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- Java

This is a classic deck-building game that fused card games and roguelikes together to make the best single-player deckbuilder we could.(← Ha, I translated that into Zhs)

  • String, name, content in cards and announcement's localizer is here, You are welcome~

  • Small team work

- Godot

​"The ultimate roguelike deckbuilder returns!" (Yes I localized that to zhs too)

  • Announcements and future every thing in the game is and will done and good.

  • First time localization before able to play the game

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-Custom C++ engine

​"A god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler that combines the best aspects of Supergiant's critically acclaimed titles."(this quote not localized by me this time)

  • Experience working with a huge team on Crowdin.

  • Attempting to incorporate regional dialects into localization to add character to the role.

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"Collect symbols and spin to defeat capitalism in the iconic roguelike deckbuilder!" (Yes, another one)

  • A localization experience that uses Google Sheets to keep updates and see what others have done.

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